Heart of Ohio

Title Company

What we do

The Heart of Ohio Title Company plays a crucial role in the process of buying, selling, or refinancing your home and real property.  Our responsibility is to ensure that when you purchase your home, you own it free and clear of other people’s debts, including mortgage liens, judgments, and taxes. 

Title Search

 We conduct a thorough examination of public records to verify the legal ownership of your property and to uncover any outstanding liens, mortgages, unpaid taxes, or other claims against the property.

Title Insurance

Once the title search is completed and any issues are resolved, we issues a title insurance policy to the buyer and lender. This insurance protects both parties against any unforeseen defects in the title that may arise in the future, such as undisclosed heirs, forged documents, or errors in the public record.

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Escrow Services

In many real estate transactions, we also act as an escrow agent, holding funds and documents in trust until all conditions of the sale are met.

Why is title insurance important?

Title insurance is crucial because it provides protection against financial loss due to title defects that may not have been uncovered during the title search. Even the most thorough title search cannot guarantee that all potential issues with the title have been identified. Common problems such as fraud, clerical errors, or undisclosed heirs can arise after the property has been purchased, and without title insurance, the buyer could be left with significant financial losses or even the loss of the property itself.

In summary, the Heart of Ohio Title Company ensures that the transfer of property ownership is legally sound and free of any hidden risks, providing peace of mind to both buyers and lenders through the issuance of title insurance.

Heart of Ohio Title Company in Marysville

How can we help?

Contact us today.

Fill out the form below or call us at 937-642-1819.

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